Shopping for almond milk today – smoothie coming up! I was in the supermarket and two brands of organic alond milk were available. The Macro Organic Brand was a bit cheaper and I almost just grabbed it and went. Just a moment – a quick look at the ingredients revealed that the Australia’s Own Organic had far less total carbs in it!
So which one would YOU choose? seems to me that a few cents more for the quality of the lower carbs almond milk was only a small price to pay.
And the smoothie – this is what I put in it.. and it was delicious:
2 cups almond milk
1 sliced banana
1 tbsp black chia seeds
2 scoops Lucuma protein powder
2 tbsps Greek Yogurt
whizz.. mmmm lunch!
That’s why it is so important to read labels – from the first glance it all may seem good nutrition – but if you dig a little in the labelling you can find vast differences between brands – it may seem like a time consuming effort if you are in a hurry as most of us are when we shop – but once you have the information the next time you go to buy.. it is automatic and you don’t have to do all that reading all over again.
The message – read the fine print on your food. You and your family will thank you for it.

Macro Ingredients